Top 11 Hidden Features in Outlook Web Access for Exchange 2003
Microsoft Exchange Team
The article points out 11 timesaving features available in Outlook and Outlook Web Access. These features discussed include:
- Hotkeys
- Using = in front of an email address alias automatically resolves the name in the address bar
- Drag and drop can be used to file messages into mailbox folders
- With S/MIME installed you can drag and drop images, documents or messages into the message attachments
- The type-down feature can be used to find messages in any mailbox folder
- View multiple calendars by holding down the CTRL key and clicking on the days you want to see
- Use OWA basic to browse your Inbox more quickly
- Holding down the CTRL key and clicking on multiple column headings lets you sort multiple columns at once
- Enable spell check before sending
- Get a nicely formatted agenda view using the following URL: https://<servername>/exchange/<alias>/calendar/?cmd=contents&part=1
- Double click on a time in the calendar to bring up a new appointment form
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